Introducing the 2020 Hillary Gravendyk Prize Winners and Book Launch

April 22, 2022

Friday, April 22, 2022 (4:00-6:00 PM)

Introducing the 2020 Hillary Gravendyk Prize Winners and Book Launch

Jonathan Maule, This Side of the Fire and Michael Samra, Among the Enemies

Tio’s Tacos, back patio

3948 Mission Inn Ave

Riverside, CA 92501

Since 2015, Inlandia Institute has been bringing you the best in contemporary poetry from the national scene as well as highlighting local talent. This year marks the five-year anniversary of the Hillary Gravendyk Prize, which awards two $1000 prizes annually.

On Friday April 22, 2022, the 2020 prize winners, Michael Samra of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Jonathan Maule of Joshua Tree, California, come together for the first time to share their unique poetic visions.

Refreshments will be served. Space may be limited. RSVP encouraged but not required:, subject: HGP launch

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