The Art and Craft of Writing Poetry with Romaine Washington
October 10, 2023
The Art and Craft of Writing Poetry with Romaine Washington
(All Levels)
Alternating Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 PM PT, 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, and 11/7/23, Zoom
To register:
Discover the art and craft of writing poetry with generative prompts and other forms of poetic inspiration. Brief group feedback will help you uncover images and language that resonate for you and for your audience.
Romaine Washington, M. Ed., is the author of “Purgatory Has an Address” (Bamboo Dart Press) and “Sirens in Her Belly” (Jamii Publications). She has been published in a wide variety of anthologies and periodicals, including Inlandia Institute’s “San Bernardino Singing” anthology and “Cholla Needles 32, 36 and 39.”
Ms. Washington is a fellow of The Watering Hole, South Carolina, and the Inland Area Writing Project at the University of California, Riverside. She was a public school educator for over twenty years, and has developed a social justice curriculum available for free on her website: The proud mother of two sons, Romaine Washington is a native Californian from San Bernardino who currently resides in the Inland Empire.