September 6, 2022
"Celena's Scribes" with Wil Clarke (All Levels)
September 6, 2022
"Celena's Scribes" with Wil Clarke (All Levels)
Named in honor of beloved workshop leader CelenaDiana Bumpus, participants are encouraged to write from a prompt and share their work, with friendly critiques offered by workshop members. All genres are welcome to be explored. Enrollment is limited.
Weekly on Zoom
Tuesdays, 11:30 AM-1:00 PM PDT
Register today:
"Teens Read What?" – Writing for a YA Audience with Andrea Fingerson (All levels)
September 6, 2022
Let's go back to school together and figure out what makes a YA novel great. During each session we will discuss a different YA novel and an element of the writer's craft. We will also devote time to writing prompts and workshopping your own young adult fiction.
Meets every other week on Tuesdays 9/6, 9/20, 10,4, 10/18, 11/1/22
4:00-6:00 PM PDT on Zoom
Register today:
Photographic Discovery for Teens with Isabel Quintero
September 6, 2022
Home Gardens Library: Photographic Discovery
with Isabel Quintero & California Museum of Photography
Tuesdays, September 6, 13, 20, and 27
4:30-6:00 PM
3785 Neece St., Corona, CA 92879
Exhibition event coming Tuesday, October 11
What is at the heart of our community? What makes it stand out? What connects us to it? Teens in the Home Gardens neighborhood can find out in this uniquely home-inspired series of events including an author talk, professional photography workshop, creative writing workshop, exhibit and electronic chapbook publication, all designed to preserve and share the image this neighborhood as seen by the diverse group of young people ages 12 and up who call this place home.
"Writing for the Blacklandia Anthology" with Romaine Washington (Beg.-Int.)
September 6, 2022
"Writing for the Blacklandia Anthology" with Romaine Washington (Beg.-Int.)
This generative workshop will provide prompts to encourage Black poets, writers, and artists to reflect on and express their personal experiences, challenges, and hopes. At the end of the workshop participants are encouraged to submit their work for possible publication in the anthology.
Meets for five consecutive Tuesdays 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4
6:00-8:00 PM PDT on Zoom
Register today:
"Tapping into Image" with James Ducat (Int.-Adv.)
September 6, 2022
"Tapping into Image" with James Ducat (Int.-Adv.)
This poetry workshop offers generative prompts and brief group feedback intended to uncover images and language that resonate for you and for your audience.
Meets every other week on Tuesdays 9/6, 9/20, 10,4, 10/18, 11/1/22
6:30-8:30 PM PDT on Zoom
Register today: