
Events in January 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
December 30, 2018
December 31, 2018
January 1, 2019
January 2, 2019
January 3, 2019
January 4, 2019
January 5, 2019
January 6, 2019
January 7, 2019
January 8, 2019
January 9, 2019
January 10, 2019
January 11, 2019
January 12, 2019
January 13, 2019
January 14, 2019
January 15, 2019
January 16, 2019
January 17, 2019
January 18, 2019
January 19, 2019(1 event)


January 19, 2019

194 photographs, 54 artists, 2 museums, 1 region: that’s the shorthand description of a new exhibition set to open January 19, 2019. The simultaneous two-part exhibition at UCR ARTS: California Museum of Photography and the Riverside Art Museum explores the idea that freedom can be found at the margins. It presents the work of groundbreaking photographers who for decades have used Inland Southern California as an tabula rasa laboratory for artistic experiment.
The visions of these artists—experimental, hard-eyed, and imaginative—influenced the course of contemporary art and photography. In the Sunshine of Neglect is the first exhibition to survey this remarkable history. The Inlandia Institute, the region’s premier literary organization, publishes the full 274-page exhibition catalogue.
The inland region is startlingly free of iconography: no Santa Monica Pier, no Hollywood sign, none of the signifiers of Los Angeles. “If you wanted to pick a defining symbol,” explains curator Douglas McCulloh, “it’d be hard to do so. Perhaps a standard stucco tract home? Pick any of ten thousand; they’re fairly interchangeable.”
This lack of iconography leaves the artists free to look, and the strange expanses of Inland Southern California proved conducive to new vision. The “hugely varied topography—valleys, rivers, mountains, deserts, and urban sprawl,” sliced by fault zones and “ofttimes beset by fire or flood” offered a “tabula rasa strangeness,” comments McCulloh.
The resulting alchemy allowed the artists discover new directions, and the landscape became “grounds for change” in photography itself. This history in particularly clear in the work of highly influential New Topographics photographers Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, and Joe Deal, who are well represented among the show’s 194 works. The artists’ work also helps define the aesthetic identity of America’s thirteeth most populous urban area, a region of 4.5 million people and 27,000 square miles.
The opening reception will be Saturday, January 19 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Opening festivities include music, refreshments, and prize drawings for original photographs by Sant Khalsa, Lewis deSoto, and Douglas McCulloh, plus a Lomo camera, and copies of the exhibition catalogue.
UCR Arts: California Museum of Photography is located at 3824 Main Street, Riverside, CA 92501 and Riverside Art Museum at 3425 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501. The exhibition sites are three and a half blocks apart. For more information about the partners see:,,
This project was made possible with support from California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Visit
January 20, 2019
January 21, 2019
January 22, 2019
January 23, 2019
January 24, 2019
January 25, 2019
January 26, 2019(1 event)


January 26, 2019

Are you an Indie Author? Do you want to be? Join us!

New this year: We are honoring our veterans by offering some writing tips just for them.

Do you have a book project to pitch? Have you struggled with whether or not you might need an agent? What is a micro press and how can you get published with one?

Authors with published books are invited to host a table in the book fair. Current Inlandia members are free, or join Inlandia at the Indie Author special rate of $25 for a full year’s membership. Confirmed author appearances include: Dave Gamboa, Lelia Kirkconnel, Robert Kirkconnel, Jose Chavez, Paulina Jaramillo, liz Gonzalez, Larry Burns, Michelle Gonzalez, Dr. Pat Spencer, and... you? Also, take part in our Sound Bites segments throughout the day to give a three-minute elevator pitch about your work!

Join us at 1 pm Keynote talk by veteran writer and UCR professor emeritus of history Dr. Carlos Cortes, “Reliving Your Past: The Many Faces of Memoir Writing”.

Breakout sessions include:

The Author/Agent Relationship with Jill Marr

What does it take to get an agent interested, keep them interested, and make the most of your relationship? In this workshop you’ll get an A-Z look at the publishing process that starts with getting an agent. You'll get tips about how to search for the perfect agent and learn what an agent does for authors. You'll also learn how to get an agent’s attention through polished and ready submission, as well as how to navigate the process of working successfully with an agent.

Crowdfunding for Writers with Becca Spence Dobias

Learn the options for crowdfunding your writing and best practices for doing so successfully. You will leave with a clear idea of whether or not crowdfunding is for you and, if so, what clear action steps to take to get started.

Getting Published by a Micro Press with liz gonzalez

What is a micro press? Learn what a micro-press is and the pros and cons of getting published by one.

Reliving Your Past: Memoir Writing Tips for Veterans

Join Dr. Carlos Cortes and special guest Aurelio Sanchez who will lead a discussion on how veterans can best share their stories, and why they should.

About the presenters:

Carlos E. Cortés is a professor emeritus of history at the University of California, Riverside. He is the author of "The Children Are Watching: How the Media Teach about Diversity" and is a creative/cultural advisor for Nickelodeon's Peabody Award-winning children's television series "Dora the Explorer" and its spinoff, "Go, Diego, Go!", for which he received a 2009 NAACP Image Award. He performs his one-man autobiographical play, "A Conversation with Alana: One Boy's Multicultural Rite of Passage," across the country and has lectured widely throughout the world. He is General Editor of the "Sage Encyclopedia of Multicultural America," due out in 2013.

Becca Spence Dobias successfully crowdfunded her novel, Rock of Ages, with Inkshares, gaining 750 pre-orders in 60 days. The book is currently in production. She is the Project Manager for, which realeased its premier short story anthology, ESCAPE! on January 1st. Find her at or on Twitter at @totallynotbex.

iz gonzález grew up in the San Bernardino Valley. She is the author of “Dancing in the Santa Ana Winds: Poems y Cuentos New and Selected” (Los Nietos Press 2018) and the poetry collection “Beneath Bone” (Manifest Press 2000). Her poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction have been published widely and have recently appeared in or are forthcoming in Voices de la Luna, the City of Los Angeles 2017 Latino Heritage Month Calendar and Cultural Guideand Litbreak Magazine, and in the anthologies, Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California and Voices from Leimert Park Anthology Redux. liz lives in Long Beach, California. She directs Uptown Word & Arts, promoting literacy and the arts, and is an instructor for the UCLA Extension Writers Program. For more info:

Jill Marr is a senior agent at the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency. She graduated from SDSU with a BA in English with an emphasis in creative writing and a minor in history. In a former life Jill worked in the creative services department at a local television station. She began her publishing career as Sandra Dijkstra's assistant the week after 9/11. Jill also wrote features and ads for Pages, the literary magazine for people who love books and continues to write book ads for publishing houses. Building her own list now for the past 10 years, Jill is interested in adult commercial fiction, with an emphasis on mysteries, thrillers, and horror, women's commercial fiction and historical fiction. She is also looking for non-fiction projects in the areas of science, history, narrative non-fiction, sports, politics, current events, health & nutrition, pop culture, humor and music.

Aurelio Sanchez is a clinical therapist focused on service to veterans. He is a retired Navy Senior Chief with nine overseas deployments, including having participated in the war responding to the attacks of 9/11, while flying Navy Hover Crafts (LCACs) and participating in the amphibious assault on Kuwait.

This event is FREE and open to the public. Camp Anza is located at 5797 Picker St, Riverside, CA 92503. Ample parking is available but take care not to park in resident parking.

January 27, 2019
January 28, 2019
January 29, 2019
January 30, 2019
January 31, 2019
February 1, 2019(1 event)


February 1, 2019 April 30, 2019

Announcing the 2018 Hillary Gravendyk Prize, Sponsored by the Inlandia Institute!

One National and one Regional Winner will each be awarded $1000 and book publication, and additional books may be chosen for publication by the editors.

The Hillary Gravendyk Prize is an open poetry book competition for all writers regardless of the number of previously published poetry collections. The manuscript page limit is 48 - 100 pages, and the press invites all styles and forms of poetry. Only electronic submissions accepted via Inlandia’s Submittable portal. Entries must be received online by April 30, 2017 at midnight Pacific Standard Time. Reading fee is $20. The winners will be announced late Summer/Fall 2018, for publication in 2019.

HILLARY GRAVENDYK (1979-2014) was a beloved poet living and teaching in Southern California’s “Inland Empire” region. She wrote the acclaimed poetry book, HARM from Omnidawn Publishing (2012) and the poetry collection The Naturalist (Anchiote Press, 2008). A native of Washington State, she was an admired Assistant Professor of English at Pomona College in Claremont, CA. Her poetry has appeared widely in journals such as American Letters & Commentary, The Bellingham Review, The Colorado Review, The Eleventh Muse, Fourteen Hills, MARY, 1913: A Journal of Forms, Octopus Magazine, Tarpaulin Sky and Sugar House Review. She was awarded a 2015 Pushcart Prize for her poem "Your Ghost," which appeared in the Pushcart Prize Anthology. She leaves behind many devoted colleagues, friends, family and beautiful poems. Hillary Gravendyk passed away on May 10, 2014 after a long illness. This contest has been established in her memory.

Contest judge: Jessica Fisher

Jessica Fisher is the author of Frail-Craft, which won the 2006 Yale Younger Poets Prize, and Inmost, which was awarded the 2011 Nightboat Poetry Prize. Her poems appear in such journals as The American Poetry Review, The Believer, The Bennington Review, The Colorado Review, McSweeney’s, The New Yorker, The Threepenny Review, Tin House, and TriQuarterly, and her translations have been published in The New York Review of Books and The Paris Review. She is co-editor, with Robert Hass, of The Addison Street Anthology. Her honors include the 2012 Rome Prize, a Holloway Postdoctoral Fellowship in Poetry, and a research grant from the Hellman Foundation. She holds a Ph.D. from University of California at Berkeley and is currently an assistant professor at Williams College.

The details:

One contest, two prizes, each award is granted publication and $1000: All entrants will be considered for the National Prize, and entrants who currently reside or work in Inland Southern California, the “Inland Empire,” will also be considered for the Regional Prize (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, and any non-coastal Southern California area, from Death Valley in the northernmost region to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in the southernmost). If you believe you reside or work in an area that falls within the I.E., please select the “Yes, I reside in the I.E.” checkbox on the Submittable form, or if you’re not sure, please contact the Inlandia Institute at In addition, the editors may select one or more additional books for publication.

Eligibility: Any resident of the United States of America or its territories may enter the contest, with the exception of colleagues, students, and close friends or family of the judge(s). Additionally, anyone who currently serves or has served in the past two years on any Inlandia Institute committee, its Advisory Council, its Board of Directors, or is a close family member of one of the above, is not eligible.

Manuscript Requirements: Please submit 48-100 pages of poetry through our Submittable portal as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. ***Submissions will be read blind, so do not include any contact information on the manuscript itself.*** Do not include a cover page, and do not attach an acknowledgements page. No revisions to the manuscript are allowed while the contest is running; however, if your manuscript is selected for publication, revisions may be submitted at that time. Please use a standard 11 or 12 point font. If there is a significant amount of non-standard formatting, please submit as a PDF to ensure formatting remains intact. Individual poems may have been published in journals, anthologies, chapbooks, etc., but the collection as a whole must be unpublished.

Submission fee: $20 per manuscript. Multiple submissions accepted but a separate entry fee is required for each manuscript submitted. Simultaneous submissions also accepted. If accepted elsewhere, please formally withdraw your manuscript from consideration via the Submittable portal.

Each winner will receive $1000, 20 copies of their book, and a standard book contract.

The manuscripts will be screened by MFA students from University of California Riverside and California State University San Bernardino.

Submit today!

February 2, 2019(1 event)


February 1, 2019 April 30, 2019

Announcing the 2018 Hillary Gravendyk Prize, Sponsored by the Inlandia Institute!

One National and one Regional Winner will each be awarded $1000 and book publication, and additional books may be chosen for publication by the editors.

The Hillary Gravendyk Prize is an open poetry book competition for all writers regardless of the number of previously published poetry collections. The manuscript page limit is 48 - 100 pages, and the press invites all styles and forms of poetry. Only electronic submissions accepted via Inlandia’s Submittable portal. Entries must be received online by April 30, 2017 at midnight Pacific Standard Time. Reading fee is $20. The winners will be announced late Summer/Fall 2018, for publication in 2019.

HILLARY GRAVENDYK (1979-2014) was a beloved poet living and teaching in Southern California’s “Inland Empire” region. She wrote the acclaimed poetry book, HARM from Omnidawn Publishing (2012) and the poetry collection The Naturalist (Anchiote Press, 2008). A native of Washington State, she was an admired Assistant Professor of English at Pomona College in Claremont, CA. Her poetry has appeared widely in journals such as American Letters & Commentary, The Bellingham Review, The Colorado Review, The Eleventh Muse, Fourteen Hills, MARY, 1913: A Journal of Forms, Octopus Magazine, Tarpaulin Sky and Sugar House Review. She was awarded a 2015 Pushcart Prize for her poem "Your Ghost," which appeared in the Pushcart Prize Anthology. She leaves behind many devoted colleagues, friends, family and beautiful poems. Hillary Gravendyk passed away on May 10, 2014 after a long illness. This contest has been established in her memory.

Contest judge: Jessica Fisher

Jessica Fisher is the author of Frail-Craft, which won the 2006 Yale Younger Poets Prize, and Inmost, which was awarded the 2011 Nightboat Poetry Prize. Her poems appear in such journals as The American Poetry Review, The Believer, The Bennington Review, The Colorado Review, McSweeney’s, The New Yorker, The Threepenny Review, Tin House, and TriQuarterly, and her translations have been published in The New York Review of Books and The Paris Review. She is co-editor, with Robert Hass, of The Addison Street Anthology. Her honors include the 2012 Rome Prize, a Holloway Postdoctoral Fellowship in Poetry, and a research grant from the Hellman Foundation. She holds a Ph.D. from University of California at Berkeley and is currently an assistant professor at Williams College.

The details:

One contest, two prizes, each award is granted publication and $1000: All entrants will be considered for the National Prize, and entrants who currently reside or work in Inland Southern California, the “Inland Empire,” will also be considered for the Regional Prize (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, and any non-coastal Southern California area, from Death Valley in the northernmost region to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park in the southernmost). If you believe you reside or work in an area that falls within the I.E., please select the “Yes, I reside in the I.E.” checkbox on the Submittable form, or if you’re not sure, please contact the Inlandia Institute at In addition, the editors may select one or more additional books for publication.

Eligibility: Any resident of the United States of America or its territories may enter the contest, with the exception of colleagues, students, and close friends or family of the judge(s). Additionally, anyone who currently serves or has served in the past two years on any Inlandia Institute committee, its Advisory Council, its Board of Directors, or is a close family member of one of the above, is not eligible.

Manuscript Requirements: Please submit 48-100 pages of poetry through our Submittable portal as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. ***Submissions will be read blind, so do not include any contact information on the manuscript itself.*** Do not include a cover page, and do not attach an acknowledgements page. No revisions to the manuscript are allowed while the contest is running; however, if your manuscript is selected for publication, revisions may be submitted at that time. Please use a standard 11 or 12 point font. If there is a significant amount of non-standard formatting, please submit as a PDF to ensure formatting remains intact. Individual poems may have been published in journals, anthologies, chapbooks, etc., but the collection as a whole must be unpublished.

Submission fee: $20 per manuscript. Multiple submissions accepted but a separate entry fee is required for each manuscript submitted. Simultaneous submissions also accepted. If accepted elsewhere, please formally withdraw your manuscript from consideration via the Submittable portal.

Each winner will receive $1000, 20 copies of their book, and a standard book contract.

The manuscripts will be screened by MFA students from University of California Riverside and California State University San Bernardino.

Submit today!