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December 2, 2018(2 events)

11:00 am: 2018 Alternative Gift Fair

December 2, 2018

Riverside's annual gift fair where every purchase you make supports a good cause! From baskets, to Christmas ornaments to hand crafted jewelry, you will find the gift you are looking for.
The fair includes live music, a soup lunch and free parking. Bring the whole family and spend a little time spreading your money around to groups that make good use of it.
This event will be held at the First United Methodist Church on December 2nd, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. The First United Methodist Church is located at 4845 Brockton Ave, Riverside, California 92506.
***This event is hosted by the Alternative Gift Fair


December 2, 2018

On December 2 at 1:30 pm at the Barbara and Art Culver Center of the Arts, please join Inlandia as we welcome Pittsburgh poet and winner of the 2017 Hillary Gravendyk Prize, Malcolm Friend, in a celebratory reading and launch of his prize-winning poetry collection, Our Bruises Kept Singing Purple. Friend will read alongside three other poets: Hillary Gravendyk Prize finalists Sara Borjas and Micah Chatterton, and Rachelle Cruz, winner of the 2016 Hillary Gravendyk Prize and 2018 American Book Award.


Malcolm Friend is a poet originally from the Rainier Beach neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. He received his BA from Vanderbilt University, and his MFA from the University of Pittsburgh. He is the author of the chapbook mxd kd mixtape (Glass Poetry, 2017) and the full length collection Our Bruises Kept Singing Purple (Inlandia Books, 2018), winner of the 2017 Hillary Gravendyk Prize. He has received awards and fellowships from organizations including CantoMundo, VONA/Voices of Our Nations, the Center for African American Poetry & Poetics, Backbone Press, and the University of Memphis.


Sara Borjas is a Chicana, a pocha, and a Fresno poet. Her debut collection of poetry, Heart Like a Window, Mouth Like a Cliff is forthcoming from Noemi Press in 2019. She is a 2017 CantoMundo Fellow, a 2016 Postgraduate Writers Conference Fellow at Vermont College of Fine Arts, and a 2013 Community of Writers Workshop at Squaw Valley Fellow. She is the recipient of the 2014 Blue Mesa Poetry Prize and a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee. She teaches Creative Writing at UC Riverside and lives in Los Angeles but stays rooted in Fresno.


Micah Chatterton writes, edits, teaches and tends library at various locations in the Inland Empire, where he grew up. His work has appeared in a number of journals, including B O D Y, Sixfold, Ruminate, Tupelo Quarterly, LETTERS, and Slice. His work is also featured in Best New Poets 2013 (University of Virginia Press, 2013), The Cancer Poetry Project 2 (Thasora Books, 2013) and The Burden of Light: Poems on Illness and Loss (Fast Foreword, 2014).


Rachelle Cruz is from Hayward, California. She is the author of God’s Will for Monsters, which won the 2016 Hillary Gravendyk Regional Poetry Prize (Inlandia, 2017) and an American Book Award. She is also the author of Self-Portrait as Rumor and Blood (Dancing Girl Press, 2012), and co-editor with Melissa Sipin of Kuwento: Lost Things, an anthology of Philippine Myths (Carayan Press, 2015). An Emerging Voices Fellow, a Kundiman Fellow and a VONA writer, she lives, writes and teaches in Southern California.

December 3, 2018
December 4, 2018
December 5, 2018
December 6, 2018
December 7, 2018
December 8, 2018(1 event)


December 8, 2018

The Multicultural Council of the Riverside Museum Associates is thrilled to present the 8th Annual "Day of Inclusion" celebration on Saturday,  December 8, 2018, 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the César Chávez Community Center in Riverside.  The "Day of Inclusion" is celebrated in honor of all the people who migrated to California and the Inland region in particular. The family-friendly event is free and open to the public.

This year's theme, “Memories of Migration: Diverse Journeys” is an homage to the diverse peoples who moved toward hope to settle in this region -- to build better lives for their families. The organizers hope that the event will help create increased awareness, sensitivity, and ultimately better collective understanding of our rich multicultural and immigrant community. MCC Chairwoman Luz Negron states, "Now more than ever we need to help build bridges of communication and understanding among the diverse members of our multicultural community."

The premise is that as people become more inclusive, they develop better understanding of the rich contributions that immigrants bring to the social, cultural, and economic strength of our community.

Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey will present a Proclamation proclaiming December 17, 2018 as the Day of Inclusion in the city of Riverside, and on behalf of the City Council, encourages all residents to support the inclusiveness in our community. The celebration will feature the popular JamaicaBob, who will present an interactive musical tour of the Caribbean. Other performers include student talent from Ramona High School's choral music program.


Special guests are the Hon. Mike Eng, and the distinguished Karthick Ramakrishnan who will be the keynote speaker. Dr. Ramakrishnan is founder and director of the Center for Social Innovation at the UC Riverside School of Public Policy where he is Associate Dean. He will discuss the “Importance of immigrants in the IE.”  On exhibit will be fantastical and provocative artwork by contemporary artist, Anita Silvestri from her amazing "Layered Views" collection.


The event concludes with a reception in the foyer where MCC community partners and volunteers will present activity and information tables, and attendees may enjoy refreshments, music, and learn more about the sponsors and other organizations that support diversity and inclusivity in Riverside.

For more information, please contact Rose Y. Monge at, or (951-660-9223), or Frances J. Vasquez at, or (951-687-6190).  Facebook: Council of the RMA.

About the Day of Inclusion

In 2009 then Assemblymember Mike Eng authored California State Assembly Concurrent Resolution (ACR 76) to designate December 17 as the “Day of Inclusion” in California.  75 years ago on this day in 1943, the US Congress passed the Magnuson Act which repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and marked a turning point regarding society’s harsh attitudes towards immigration and immigrants.

By repealing the Chinese Exclusion Act, the US expressed commitment to break down cultural barriers, appreciate differences, and enrich cultural diversity and further racial, religious and cultural acceptance.

MCC's event ties in with the City of Riverside’s Statement of Inclusivity.  In an effort to recognize and celebrate diversity in the City of Riverside, the Mayor’s Multicultural Forum adopted the “Building a More Inclusive Riverside Community” statement in June of 2001.

The Day of Inclusion event is supported by generous sponsors, collaborative partners, and private donors who helped make the Day of Inclusion event possible. These include: City of Riverside, Riverside Human Relations Commission, Councilmember Andy Melendrez, Save Our Chinatown Committee, Japanese American Citizens League, Inlandia Institute, Riverside Art Museum, Holstein, Taylor, and Unitt, The Community Foundation, UCR ARTS BLOCK, UCR/CSI, UCR College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Riverside Community Health Foundation, Spanish Town Heritage Foundation, African American Historical Society, TruEvolution, among others.