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February 2, 2017

Each month this winter and spring we will explore the range of poerty that exists in the Inland Empire, fromo the Beat tradition to the Indian diaspora, form desert to ecology to spoken word, and more, leading up to National Poetry Month in April.
Each reading will be followed by a brief open mic, so bring a poem to share and be in the spotlight too! Sign ups begin at 6:45 pm.
About the readers:
Nan Friedley is a retired specail education teacher originally from Indiana. Her poerty has been published in the 2013 Inlandia Anthology and Three by PushPen Press. Her collection of poetry, Short Bus Ride, was published in 2015.
Carlos Cortes is a professor emeritus of history at the University of California, Riverside. His most recent book is Fourth Quarter, a collection of poetry. He is also author of an autobiography, Rose Hill: An Intermarriage Before Its Time. He also travels the country performing his one person autobiographical play, A Conversation with Alana: One Boy's Mulitcultural Rite of Passage, while he co-wrote the book and lyrics for the musical, We Are Not Alone: Thomas Rivera--A Musical Narrative, which premiered in 2011.
Books will be available for signing and purchase. Light refreshents will also be served.

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